Second Chance Memories

    It is said, “a picture paints a thousand words.”  Therefore, we, here at Second Chance Memories, offer you a practical, user-friendly, pleasing-to-the-eye page of samples and pricing.  Simply double-click on the album of your choice, and you will see several examples of what we offer.  If you desire to view a larger version of a particular sample, you only have to double-click once again on the sample of interest.  In the upper left corner you will find the button for returning to each of the preceding pages.

    Please, do not be discouraged by the phrase, “Call for Quote” under some of the services we offer.  These particular services vary in length, difficulty, and preference so we must, necessarily, tailor our cost accordingly.  We welcome  your comments and suggestions.  We hope to hear from you soon.


Samples & Prices